Improving your constituent experience.

To say that our government is a technical laggard is generous at best. Not only is our constituent experience far behind private-sector customer best practices, we’re way behind the curve compared to other wealthy and developed democracies. And the sad truth is, the vast majority of our elected representatives would fail any reasonable customer-experience assessment—just try to have a discussion with our opponent about a legislative issue and you’ll see how bad it can be.

Neither constituents nor our elected officials have the tools, training, or funding to use best-in-class software solutions to improve communication, engagement, and transparency. But we can only solve problems together when we engage in real dialogue—across ideological lines—and when we’re looking at the same data. It’s incumbent on our elected officials to listen to their constituents, provide all of them equal access to representation, and to communicate clearly and proactively with us about the job they’re doing on our collective behalf.


  • As your state Senator, I pledge to communicate proactively about the business of the legislature and my office’s activity therein, to respond to direct communications as often and as thoroughly as possible, and to never block constituents from communicating with me. I further pledge to maintain public communication forums including social media, open-access telepresence options, and free public forums such as town halls and meetups.

  • As your state Senator, I’ll fight to strengthen ethics rules in the legislature, including restrictions on stock ownership and requirements regarding business conflict disclosures. I will also pursue an independent redistricting committee to prioritize fair representation over cynical redistricting by either party.

  • As your state Senator, I’ll work to make a constituent-experience platform available to all elected representatives at no additional per-office cost. I’ll also explore legal and technical options for making a data-informed dashboard available to the public which captures critical metrics and which can serve as a shared reference across the district and across the aisle.

My political philosophy.

My political philosophy might best be illustrated by two quotes about the dichotomy of control we live with every day:

It is not in our control to have everything turn out exactly as we want.


Do to others what you would have them do to you.

Matthew 7:12


Open communication is a cornerstone of good representation—and something sadly lacking in many Georgia senate districts, including the 56. I pledge to respond to everyone who reaches out. So email me anytime at:

You can also keep up with me and my state senate campaign by signing up for occasional updates (I promise, not too many 😇). Or connect with my campaign on your favorite social platform: