So our kids can become their best selves—whoever they turn out to be.
I love being a dad.
My wife Ellie and I have always encouraged our kids to be themselves, whatever that might be, as long as they don’t hurt themselves or others. This simple rule has launched more great conversations and experiences than I can count. It’s also given two of our kiddos the space they needed to explore who they are as young trans people.
Appen media covered our family back in May when our incumbent state senator sponsored Georgia’s anti-trans bill, blocking lifesaving healthcare options critical to helping trans kids deal with depression, anxiety, eating disorders, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts.
This anti-trans law targets my kids. It endangers them. And when I—a constituent, neighbor, and former co-worker—tried to reach out to him about this issue, all I got was silence.
Trans rights aren’t isolated to a tiny segment of the population. And trans people aren't some “other.” They’re my family. Their rights are my rights. And, frankly, trans rights are a canary in the proverbial coal mine. Our incumbent senator’s attack on their personal healthcare freedoms reveals how fragile all our freedoms are in the face of ignorance and a lack of empathy.
I just want my kids to have all the freedoms and space they need to become their best selves. Those are the same freedoms I want, too. For all of us.
Open communication is a cornerstone of good representation—and something sadly lacking in many Georgia senate districts, including the 56. I pledge to respond to everyone who reaches out. So email me anytime at:
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