Defending our personal freedoms from government overreach. 

I was raised socially liberal and fiscally conservative. And a big part of that experience was learning and taking to heart the idea that we should have as little government as possible and exactly as much government as we need.

The Republican Party today doesn’t resemble the party my parents supported or the values I was raised to believe in. Through their leadership, Georgia’s legislature has followed a national trend encouraging big-government overreach into nearly every aspect of our private lives.

The government doesn’t belong in our families, our bedrooms, our places of worship, our doctor’s offices, our classrooms and libraries, or—perhaps ironically—our polling places. Nor should one objecting citizen have the power to censor anyone else’s free speech or block their access to healthcare. Rather, the government’s job is to protect our Constitutional rights and ensure the public good—not to impose the righteous will of a minority into our private spheres.


  • Each of us deserves to be treated equally and respectfully by the state of Georgia, so that we and our families have the same access to due process, opportunity, education, and healthcare while at the same time enjoying equal protections from injustice, discrimination, and violence.

    Currently in Georgia, LGBTQ residents enjoy few state-level protections. While same-sex couples can get married in Georgia thanks to Federal law, same-sex parents lack second-parent and confirmatory adoption rights and lack access to family-leave laws. Additionally, Georgia offers no non-discrimination protections related to credit and lending, criminal-justice processes, employment, family services, housing, insurance, public accommodations—even bullying!

    And for the trans community, matters are even more challenging. In addition to recent legislation blocking trans youth from lifesaving healthcare (backed by decades of research and supported by every major medical association), trans residents are also blocked from changing the gender markers on their driver’s licenses and birth certificates—a recently upheld First-Amendment right!

    As your state Senator, I will work to roll back anti-trans laws, create best-in-class workplace protections for all LGBTQ workers, and protect marriage and family equality.

  • Every Georgian should have access to high-quality reproductive healthcare services consistent with medical best practices and scientific evidence—including safe and legal abortion.

    Currently in Georgia, abortion is banned at six-weeks on the basis of an uninformed and widely misunderstood “heartbeat law.” Patients are forced to endure mandated counseling and 24-hour delays during this critical treatment period, and no public-care options are available except in limited circumstances. Additionally, our state senate recently refused to take up IVF protections and many legislators—including our opponent—oppose abortion even to save the life of the mother.

    These conditions threaten every pregnant person’s right to life, to health, to education, to privacy, to be free from torture, and to be free from discrimination.

    Whether you’re pro-life or pro-choice, it remains that abortions can be medically necessary, we all have a Constitutional right to privacy (4th and 14th amendments), and the government has no business prying into personal medical decisions.

    As your state Senator, I will work to roll back current abortion restrictions while joining the chorus of legislators calling for a State Constitutional amendment codifying bodily autonomy and a woman's right to choose. I will further support an equal-rights amendment at the state level.

  • It’s our job as parents to give children a safe space to grow, to learn, to explore who they are, and to prepare them for adulthood. And some of our more important allies in this process are the educators who curate thoughtful curriculum and inspiring media collections for our children.

    Currently in the 56, we’re very fortunate to enjoy great schools, safe communities, and countless kid-friendly opportunities. But we also endure bureaucratic meddling in curriculum, divisive-topic laws, book bans, and gun laws that undermine the work of professional educators and combine to make our schools and libraries less representative, less competitive, and less safe.

    Protecting and providing for our kids protects and provides for us all. The children in our public schools today will grow up to work alongside us as doctors, mechanics, accountants, entrepreneurs, and community leaders.

    As your state Senator, I will work to put our schools back in the hands of professional educators and parents by rolling back the mechanisms of curriculum censorship and book banning. I’ll fight for universal preK; free breakfasts, lunches, and feminine hygiene products for public school students; to disallow the possession of firearms in a school zone; and to protect student data privacy. Further, to respect the amazing work our educators do everyday, I’ll fight to raise salaries and increase public school funding.

My political philosophy.

My political philosophy might best be illustrated by two quotes about the dichotomy of control we live with every day:

It is not in our control to have everything turn out exactly as we want.


Do to others what you would have them do to you.

Matthew 7:12


Open communication is a cornerstone of good representation—and something sadly lacking in many Georgia senate districts, including the 56. I pledge to respond to everyone who reaches out. So email, text, or call me anytime at:

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