Pay no attention to the Senator behind the violence.

Text messages between parents and their kids tell a story of fear and chaos during Winder’s school shooting. And a press release from John Albers tells the story of how little he cares. Text messages image by ABC News and John Albers’ press release by the Georgia Senate Press Office. Composition by JD Jordan.

I am so fucking tired of being scared to send my kids to school. Especially when this epidemic of gun violence is so fixable.

But this is where we are. In a state where the congressman for Winder blames Godlessness for last week’s school shooting. Where our governor brags about wearing our state’s failing grade on gun safety as a badge of honor. And where the chairman of our State Senate Public Safety committee—our opponent, John Albers—responds to the 47th school shooting on his watch with some random BS instead of acknowledging the violence he helps to perpetuate. (USAFacts, GPB)

If we—as parents, as law-abiding gun owners, as good neighbors—want to see change for the better, we can’t wait for Washington to act. And we can start by making sure guns are secured from criminals and minors and we can make it easier for law enforcement to be proactive with red flag laws and gun-violence registries.

But we can’t do any of these things if we don’t remove the politicians who consistently block any attempt to safeguard our children. And who try to distract us every time another shooting kills more of our kids.

Behind the governor, John Albers is the greatest obstacle against meaningful common-sense gun-safety in Georgia. As chairman and senator, he’s blocked red flag laws, he’s loosened firearm restrictions in public places, and he’s authorized concealed carry on K-12 and college campuses.

If he’s really concerned about deadbeat parents, he should stop being one and actually do something to address the violence he’s enabled. But he’s demonstrated far too much cowardice for me to have any faith that he’ll ever put our kids ahead of himself.

I don’t like making the negative argument, but I can’t stomach our opponent’s silence on the matter. His silence is complicity.

If you want to take direct action, contact your elected officials and help the victims of the Apalachee shooting.

And if we want to make Georgia safer for everyone, we’ve got to vote out John Albers.

If he won’t do the job, I’m ready.

The Georgia State Senate Democratic Caucus presser regarding the Apalachee High School shooting and a call to action for safe storage and red flag laws. Photo by FTR Strategies.

I guess if our opponent won't step up and do anything about the gun violence epidemic killing our kids, I'm ready.

I'm grateful to Leader Butler, as well as Senators Harrell, Orrock, Parent, and Rahman for inviting both me and fellow candidate Ashwin Ramaswami (for SD 48) to join today's presser calling for the Georgia Legislature to prioritize safe-storage, background checks, and extreme risk “red flag”laws—as a bare minimum!—when the new session convenes in January.

For context, Georgia ranks 46th in the nation for the safety of our gun laws—that is to say, we have almost none on the books! And since my opponent took over the powerful Senate Public Safety committee in 2021, there have been 47 school shootings. In that time, he's voted to loosen run restrictions and to allow unregulated concealed-carry on K-12 and college campuses.

And while, as a historian, I'm very cautious about counterfactuals, the tragedy at Apalachee High last week is almost a case study in how such violence might've been prevented. If our opponent, John Albers, and other State Senators hadn't blocked common-sense measures like the red flag and safe storage laws, the facts suggest things might've gone quite differently.


For anyone in East Cobb, Roswell, or Woodstock alarmed by the state’s escalating attacks on our bodies, our families, our doctors’ offices, our classrooms and libraries, even our polling places, I’m running for State Senate district 56 to fight for our freedoms and to deliver a better future for everyone in Georgia.

And unlike my opponent who’s spent 14 years rolling back our freedoms, failing to safeguard our kids, and gerrymandered his district to stay in office, I promise to bring everyone in the 56—regardless of ideology—the best possible constituent experience so you feel heard, valued, and supported. As we all deserve to be.

I’m running for the 56. Let’s make a better Georgia for all of us.

Jordan For Georgia, LLC
10800 Alpharetta Hwy Ste 208 #629
Roswell, GA 30076-1467

JD Jordan

Awesome dad, killer novelist, design executive, and cancer survivor. Also, charming AF.


September 11.


State policy helped make this happen.