The latest from the Georgia Capitol & the campaign trail.

Pay no attention to the Senator behind the violence.
In the news JD Jordan In the news JD Jordan

Pay no attention to the Senator behind the violence.

If our opponent really concerned about deadbeat parents, he should stop being one and actually do something to address the violence he’s enabled. But he’s demonstrated far too much cowardice for me to have any faith that he’ll ever put our kids ahead of himself.

I can’t stomach our opponent’s silence on the matter. His silence is complicity. And if we want to make Georgia safer for everyone, we’ve got to vote out John Albers.

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State policy helped make this happen.
In the news JD Jordan In the news JD Jordan

State policy helped make this happen.

Yesterday, my opponent and I spoke to the Fraternal Order or Police (FOP) in Cobb. But the whole time I was in that lodge, my mind was 50 miles away. In Winder. What did John Albers have to say? For ten minutes, he talked generically about first responders and waxed patriot about 9/11. But at no point did he acknowledge the tragedy that unfolded mere hours before.

And why would he. He helped make it happen.

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Creativity & leadership merge in politics.
In the news JD Jordan In the news JD Jordan

Creativity & leadership merge in politics.

In my recent interview with Voyage ATL, I talk about how my background in storytelling and the arts has uniquely prepared me to bring fresh, innovative ideas to our community and how my unique blend of creativity and political acumen promises to bring a new dynamic to local governance. I’m passionate about fostering a vibrant, inclusive Georgia where every voice is heard and valued.

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A symptom of our sickness.
In the news JD Jordan In the news JD Jordan

A symptom of our sickness.

If we really want to stop this cycle of political violence before it gets out of hand—before our divisions devolve us into American “Troubles” or a nationwide “Bloody Kansas”—we need to proactively reach out to one another. To get past the demagogues who divide us and see each other as neighbors, again. We need to call the Trump supporters in our lives and let them know that we’re horrified by what happened. We need to take those calls from the anti-Trumpers in our lives and hear their sincerity.

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Open communication is a cornerstone of good representation—and something sadly lacking in many Georgia senate districts, including the 56. I pledge to respond to everyone who reaches out. So email, text, or call me anytime at:

You can also keep up with me and my state senate campaign by signing up for occasional updates (I promise, not too many 😇). Or connect with my campaign on your favorite social platform: