Women’s Day rally at the local Harris-Walz office.

Two weekends ago I had the chance to (quickly) address a Women's Day Rally at the Harris-Walz office just across the river in Sandy Springs. And much to my surprise, someone was nice enough to catch me on video.

I know a lot of us have been thinking a lot about gun violence in schools this past week—and, frankly, many of us are STILL waiting on our opponent to even acknowledge the 47th school shooting since he became chair of the Georgia Senate Public Safety Committee. But we can't take out eyes off the other issues that matter to so many people in the 56 and across Georgia.

On the matter of reproductive healthcare, I'm passionately of the opinion that it isn't the role of the state to interfere in anyone's personal healthcare decisions. And that until at least 28-weeks—before which a fetus isn't viable—reproductive healthcare must prioritize the life and wellbeing of the mother.

Our opponent, on the other hand, has signed a pledge to oppose such healthcare without exception—even in cases of rape, incest or even to save the life of the mother (a photo of his pledge is also included in this video).

John Albers' pledge to opposed abortion without exception for rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother.

We have a lot to fight for. If you feel like I do, please share our campaign and help spread the word that we have a real choice this November and the time is ripe to vote in real change for the 56!


For anyone in East Cobb, Roswell, or Woodstock alarmed by the state’s escalating attacks on our bodies, our families, our doctors’ offices, our classrooms and libraries, even our polling places, I’m running for State Senate district 56 to fight for our freedoms and to deliver a better future for everyone in Georgia.

And unlike my opponent who’s spent 14 years rolling back our freedoms, failing to safeguard our kids, and gerrymandered his district to stay in office, I promise to bring everyone in the 56—regardless of ideology—the best possible constituent experience so you feel heard, valued, and supported. As we all deserve to be.

I’m running for the 56. Let’s make a better Georgia for all of us.

Jordan For Georgia, LLC
10800 Alpharetta Hwy Ste 208 #629
Roswell, GA 30076-1467


JD Jordan

Awesome dad, killer novelist, design executive, and cancer survivor. Also, charming AF.


Progressive Turnout Project.


September 11.