The latest from the Georgia Capitol & the campaign trail.

Grab a virtual coffee with your state senate candidate.
Meet JD Jordan JD Jordan Meet JD Jordan JD Jordan

Grab a virtual coffee with your state senate candidate.

Want to get to know your state Senate candidate for the 56? That’s great, because I want to get to know you, too!

Open communication is the cornerstone of good representation—and sadly lacking in many Georgia Senate districts, including the 56. So, let’s start the day right by catching up over a cup of morning coffee (or tea or mocha or whatever gets your day started well) and learn a little bit about one another.

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Mom’s Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate.
Recognition JD Jordan Recognition JD Jordan

Mom’s Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate.

Our campaign was recently awarded the 2024 “Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate” distinction by the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund. This approval is in recognition of our advocacy for gun-violence prevention and our commitment to governing with gun safety in mind.

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The Center for Freethought Equality PAC
Endorsement JD Jordan Endorsement JD Jordan

The Center for Freethought Equality PAC

The Center for Freethought Equality is the advocacy and political arm of the American Humanist Association, a group that advocates for issues the humanist and atheist community cares about like the separation of church and state, protecting civil liberties, and advancing progressive policies.

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An update from our January filing.
Campaign report JD Jordan Campaign report JD Jordan

An update from our January filing.

As a first-time candidate, this whole campaign and election process is new—from meetings at IHOPs and living rooms across the district to the legal reporting that keeps data-entry game fresh. But with almost all of our fundraising to-date consolidated into a few weeks at the end of January, we’re thrilled to report our campaign received 88 financial contributions—82% of which came from in-state donors!

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Budget week report.
2024 legislative session JD Jordan 2024 legislative session JD Jordan

Budget week report.

It’s budget week! The week when our state legislature suspends all other activity to do the one job our state constitution requires of them: passing a budget. Or, in this case, two—amending fiscal year 2024 (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024) and passing fiscal year 2025 (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025).

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The state of the state.
2024 legislative session JD Jordan 2024 legislative session JD Jordan

The state of the state.

On Thursday, a joint session of the Georgia Legislature met in the House Chamber to receive the governor’s annual State of the State address. In it, Kemp emphasized Georgia's accomplishments and policy initiatives while renewing his commitment to principles that—he says—distinguish our state’s approach from Washington’s.

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Open communication is a cornerstone of good representation—and something sadly lacking in many Georgia senate districts, including the 56. I pledge to respond to everyone who reaches out. So email, text, or call me anytime at:

You can also keep up with me and my state senate campaign by signing up for occasional updates (I promise, not too many 😇). Or connect with my campaign on your favorite social platform: